Monday, May 7, 2012


by Veronica Roth

In a future Chicago, the city has divided itself into five factions, each representing a different human virtue. Unfortunately, they place no value on any virtue but the one they've chosen, and discord is growing. At 16, each person is given an aptitude test to determine if the faction of their birth is right for them, or if they would be better suited for another.  At Beatrice's evaluation, something unusual happens. Her outcome is inconclusive--she has traits from several different factions. The test administrator tells her she is Divergent, which is rare, and very dangerous. The choice Beatrice makes is not an easy one, and leads her into a world more corrupt and dangerous than anything she ever imagined.

I started this book on Saturday and finished on Sunday. I didn't want to like it--I feared it would be just another Hunger Games rip-off. But this book stands on its own. No rip-offs here. I absolutely loved this story, and Beatrice, who is eventually known as Tris, is smart, endearing, flawed, and unpredictable. There's non-stop action, and sizzling romance. I just found out the sequel, Insurgent, came out this week, and I can't get to the bookstore fast enough!

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